Tuesday 16 April 2013

A Note from the Host - Thanks, from @magtwi78

I would just like to thank everybody who has been involved in the first Happily Ever After Twific Contest. I have so much gratitude for everybody who took the time to write, offered their beta or pre-reading expertise to our entrants, and to everybody who read, reviewed, and voted for their favourite stories. 

I have been utterly, totally, completely blown away by the response we've had to this contest. Truly.

Special acknowledgements 
Thank you to the amazing judges - Mariahajile, mcc101180, agrutle, SueBee0619, and Alliz.   You helped make the contest fair for everybody, which is the most important part of being a judge. Thank you for your integrity and honesty. 

Special thank you to evilnat for setting up the blog, contributing the special category awards, and generally being a fantastic sounding board.

Thank you to EdMazing and Amy for keeping us on the straight and narrow.

Words aren't enough for BettiGefecht, for your offer of personalized banners for our winners. Such a gracious offer, and I appreciate your support.

Finally, to TwiSNfan, my partner in crime. If I was the flaily limbs, then you were the backbone of this contest. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thanks to this amazing fandom. I hope you've enjoyed the entries.
And after all that, they all lived...you know the rest.


Best Happily Ever After - Shot in the Dark by MissWinkles @katiewinkles

Shot in the Dark by MissWinkles

banner by evilnat

Best Couple - Edward and Bella in Shot in the Dark by MissWinkles @katiewinkles

Edward and Bella
Shot in the Dark by MissWinkles

banner by evilnat

Swooniest Male - Edward in Maybe Next Time He'll Think by @Maplestyle0901

Maybe Next Time He'll Think by Maplestyle

Best Female Character - Bella in Wanderlust by @Hoodfabulous

Wanderlust by Hoodfabulous

banner by evilnat

Host's Choice - @MagTwi78 - Superheroes & Second Chances by @anhanninen and Kr2009 @KelleyRachelle

Superheroes and Second Chances 
by anhanninen and Kr2009

banner by evilnat

Judges' pick - @MariahajilE - Slow Pony Home by Honeybeemeadows

Slow Pony Home by Honeybeemeadows

 banner by evilnat

Judges' Pick - Alliz @QueenZogg - El Camino by Ireen H @ajapersuasia

El Camino by Ireen H

banner by evilnat

Judges' Pick - @Agrutle - Close to You by Jemster23

Close to You by jemster23

banner by evilnat

Judges' Pick - @SueBee0619 - Wanderlust by @Hoodfabulous

Wanderlust by Hoodfabulous

banner by evilnat

Judges' Pick - mcc101180 - El Camino by Ireen H @ajapersuasia and Changing Seasons, Healing Hearts by @eddiebell69

El Camino by Ireen H
Changing Seasons, Healing Hearts by eddiebell69

banner by evilnat

1st Place - Judges' Vote - El Camino by Ireen H @ajapersuasia

El Camino by Ireen H

Banner by BettiGefecht.

2nd Place Judges' Vote - Shot in the Dark by MissWinkles @katiewinkles

Shot in the dark
by MissWinkles

Banner by BettiGefecht. 

1st Place - Public Vote - El Camino by Ireen H @ajapersuasia

El Camino by Ireen H

Banner by BettiGefecht.

2nd Place Public Vote - (Un)Dressing Edward Cullen by @DiscordiaWrites

(Un)Dressing Edward Cullen
by Discordia

Banner by BettiGefecht.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Submission deadline has been extended!

Contest dates have been extended!

We will begin accepting submissions February 14, 2012. Submissions will close at 11:59pm (EST) on March 29, 2013. That's converts to 2:59pm on Saturday March 30, 2013 in Melbourne, Australia, and 3:59:00 a.m. Saturday March 30, 2013 in London, UK.

Popular Voting from March 30, 2013 to April 13, 2013.

Winners announced on twitter and on the blog during the week starting April 15 2013 (to be confirmed)

Questions? Tweet us @TwiHEAcontest or shoot us an email: TwiHEAcontest@gmail.com

Monday 4 March 2013

An announcement...but sadly not a fun one :(

Firstly I just want to say this, and I'll put it as eloquently as I can.

This sucks, but I have to do it.

As with any contest, there are rules. The host (that'd be me) and the judges have a responsibility to make sure the rules are adhered to, and when they aren't, we need to take action. It is with this in mind, and in fairness to all entrants, betas, pre-readers and other contributors, we need to take such action in this instance.

Unfortunately there has been a breach in the rules. The breach was not malicious, it wasn't even on purpose, but nevertheless it was there. As a result, the beautiful HEA one-shot that is Orange Kisses and Peppermint Hearts is being withdrawn from the contest.

I'd like to stress that the author is in no way associated with the breach. She didn't know. It's like this: you know when you read something and you get so excited that you just want to flail, and post it everywhere, and share with the author what amazing job they've done? So you leave them a review that tells them how freaking amazing their story is, because it just is, but you slip in a little detail that identifies the author...

So that's essentially what happened. There was no malice, and there were no tactics to get ahead. There was a simple slip of the fingers that identified the author...and people saw it, and then they knew who she was. And that just doesn't work with an anonymous contest.

On behalf of the Happily Ever After Twific Contest judges and contributors, I'd sincerely like to thank SparrowNotes24 for writing a beautiful submission. I truly hope she posts it to her profile soon, because it really is a sweet story, and I'd love you all to read it.

I hope you are enjoying the wonderful entries we've had so far, and the ones to come.

Love and ever-afters,

MagTwi78 xx

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Meet the Secret Keeper

She's the keeper of all secrets. Ladies (and gentlemen?), introducing...


How can we find you?
TwiSNFan on FFnet (and I hate it, but it's too hard to change now). You can find me under this name on TwitterFanfiction.net, Twilighted and ADF and SN Twi on Facebook.

What might people recognize you for? 
I'd be highly surprised if I was known for anything. I'm mostly a reader, I try to review when I can and I beta/pre-read for a few people (including our lovely HEA Contest host, MagTwi78).

Why did you want to be involved with the contest? 
My girl MagTwi78 was looking for some help, and when I saw it was a HEA contest I was suited up and ready to assist in any way I could. I love a good HEA, so what better way to encourage more than to be involved.

What is your favourite HEA fanfic?
I have to pick just one? My all time favourite to date is This is not my life. I care so much for the characters, it sucks me in every time I read it and has such a strong, kind, caring Bella. But I can't not mention some of my other favourite fics as well: The Screamers (and anything by the wonderful KiyaRaven), Animate Me (and I'm going to catch up on Abstract Way's other stories when I can), Bella Swan: Kidnapper, Dear Mr Masen, Parachute, Faking it, Just one of the boys, Let's get physical, Words with friends/ Words With Strangers... I could keep going.

What is your favourite HEA original fiction book/movie? 
I'm a chick-flick fan, and I don't know too many of those types of movies that don't end in a HEA. Probably my favourites are While You Were Sleeping, Ever After, Sweet Home Alabama, 50 First Dates ...  ok, ok, I'll stop.

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
I think it's difficult to define, but I know it when I see it. To me, it usually means two people who are meant to be together end up together, no matter what path they took to get there. Marriage and babies are not absolute musts, but always (ALWAYS!) appreciated.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Meet the judges - mariahajile

Lover of smooshy and nice HEAs, our judge...


Where can we find you? 
mariahajile on both FFn, Facebook, and Twitter. My personal blog is mariahajile.blogspot.com, and my fangirling reaches an all-time need of medication on my Tumblr, mariahajile.tumblr.com. Hi. :)

How might people recognise you for? 
I'm probably most known for my murderous aggression toward improper grammar and punctuation. I wrote The War is Over and am about to complete my current fic, Say Goodbye. I also run a Jackson fansite. I'm blessed to beta for some of the most lovely authors in the fandom, as well (name drop: JadaPattinson, TypoKween, JM_OBryant, and EmersonWrites). And I'd punch a child if Mariah Carey asked me to, because she's the flawless queen of everything.

Why did you want to be involved in the HEA contest?
Because I love happily ever afters. They make you feel so warm and tingly, like everything's going to be okay. And the hope! Dear God, all the hope HEAs give is smooshy and nice. 

What's your favourite HEA fanfic?
My favorite FF HEAs are Emancipation Proclamation and Starry Eyed Inside. They're lush. Lawd Jesus. 

What's your favourite original HEA book/movie?
Cinderella and While You Were Sleeping. Hands down. No doubts. Next question, please. ;P

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
To me, a HEA doesn't necessarily mean an engagement/marriage and babies. It means that the characters are at a place where they're happy after everything they've been through. Whether the romantic leads are together or apart at the end of the story makes no difference to me. It's about the characters' contentment with where the author has ended their story. But mushiness with a wedding and/or babies is nice, too. :)

Meet the judges - SueBee0619



Where can we find you? 
SueBee0619 on FFnet and the same on twitter

What might people recognise you for? 
Erm, possibly the ridiculousness that is my facebook name (SueBee Betafairy Thundercock-ho). I mostly beta (for FictionFreak95 and the Tricycle of Awesomeness amongst others) but occasionally will write a truly ridiculous one shot. Moo.

Why did you want to be involved in the HEA contest?
Because I'm a judgmental biotch?  KIDDING. I love a good one shot and am a complete wuss, so an HEA contest is right up my alley.

What's your favourite HEA fanfic?
Oh man, I'm going to have to go with a tie between Stay, Chalk, and String Theory. All are very well written (would the beta fairy really rec crappy writing?) interesting and different, and even though they are on the fluffy end of the spectrum, definitely not boring. They all have strong, independent Bellas and swoony Edwards. It's an undefinable thing for me - they put a goofy smile on my face and make my heart happy. I felt that somehow all was right with the world when I finished them.

What's your favourite original HEA book/movie?
I just realized, when running through my favorite books in my mind, that all of my favorites probably could not be considered HEA. Um, am I disqualified as a judge? 

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
Happily ever after for me doesn't have to include marriage and 2.5 kids although there's certainly nothing wrong with that. It means finding that one who gets you, supports you, and loves you, warts and all. Doing things in your life that you're passionate about and love and surrounding yourself with people who are smart, funny, and call you on your crap. 

Meet the Host

Meet the host...


How can we find you?
I'm MagTwi78 on FFnet, Twitter, and Tumblr. On Facebook I'm Magtwi Seventyeight.

What might people recognize you for?
Not much, probably! I do write though, and I currently have two WIPs: Yosemite Decimal and Mate of Honor.

Why did you want to be involved with the contest?
I love HEAs. In fact, I've been known to fall into a rocking mess if I think I'm going to get one and I don't. This contest for me was a no-brainer. A bunch of HEA fics landing right at my feet? Yes, please.

What is your favourite HEA fanfic.
Damn, this is like asking me to choose my favourite child. I don't mind working for it, as long as it gets to the HEA in the end. Anyway, here's a few: Cotton CreekThe Golden Giants Tour, Nineteen Canvasses, Faking It, Barefoot in Texas, anything by TheFicChick, High Fidelity (although I had to *really* work for that one!)...I could go on forever.

What is your favourite HEA original fiction book/movie?
It's a bit daggy, but the movies that come to mind include The Proposal, Ever After and Ten Things I Hate About You. My favourite HEA book is Pride and Prejudice. No contest.

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
When I read a story, I want the characters to come to a place that I feel I can walk away from them and think "they'll be okay." It doesn't always mean they end together—because let's face it, some people are better off apart—but that they're both in a place that they are content with life. 

Pfft—what am I saying...give me weddings and green-eyed babies. At least in an epilogue.

In real life, it means having my husband and kids healthy and happy. Grateful to say that I'm currently living my HEA.

Meet the technical genius - evilnat

Meet our blog builder, tumblr-fixer and general technical saviour...


Where can we find you?
I'm on FFnet as evilnat and I have facebook, tumblr, and twitter... but my blog is: http://evilnatfanfiction.blogspot.com

What might people recognize you for?
I write, but I'm probably better known for my banners.  I'm also an admin over at The Lemonade Stand, so its possible you could have seen me around there, (I'm often the person who lets you know you've been nominated for Fic of the Week).

Why did you want to be involved with the contest?
Who doesnt like a HEA? I think 99% of what I read has a HEA and I'm always eager to read new, high-quality work.  I think sometimes you get what you give, and by chipping in I'm doing my part in keeping the fandom going so that we can not only get some new fics to read, but hopefully it might even encourage some new writers to give it a go (and then I can rec them over in TLS!)

Your favourite HEA FF and why.
Thats really hard.  I enjoy the stories where they've had to really work for their HEA, but then I also love the fluffy romances too.  Its kinda like being asked to pick your top five, I dont know if I can do it.  I really liked the way A Pound of Flesh ended.  I also loved the ending to Blind Spot.  The FicChick writes some excellent HEAs.  And The Give Away Girl ended so perfectly.  Honestly, I could go on and on.

Your favourite HEA original fiction book/movie?
I'm a sucker for a comedy, which usually has a HEA anyway.  But one of my favourite movies from my teen years is Reality Bites.  I just love that part at the end when Winona Ryder's character is about to (finally) run off and find Ethan Hawke and she steps outside and he's standing there on the curb.  Then he says this speech about how shit his week has been and how that he just wanted to tell her that he loved her. And eventually she climbs over the fence on the porch to get to him and the music comes up and they kiss.  gahhhh just gets me every time.

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
To me, Happily Ever After (in fiction) means getting the perfect ending; whether its finally snagging the man you have always loved, or maybe it's to have the family with that perfect man, and maybe succeeding professionally and achieving all your career goals. 
In life think it all comes down to living out your dreams and being healthy and happy. xx

Meet the judges - alliz

Our next beautiful judge is the beautiful...


How can we find you?
FFnet: alliz And twitter: QueenZogg

Where might people recognize you from?
Crazy threads on Facebook 

What attracted you to the HEA Contest?
I read HEA-only fanfic, so this contest was the perfect one for me to get my feet wet for judging!

What's your favourite HEA fanfic? 
The Give Away Girl by MrsSpaceCowboy.  It takes place in the 90's, which is when I was a teen.  It is so relatable, funny, sad and hot.  I love that this fic focuses on Bella's entire life, not just her relationship with E (even though that's a big part of it)

What's your favourite HEA book or film?
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Hadden.  I love that the book is written from the POV of a child with Aspergers Syndrome.  I don't personally know anyone with Asperger Syndrome, but its a really interesting read, regardless

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
HEA means together.  Not with other people, not cheating, and certainly not dead!!

Meet the judges - Agrutle

It's time to meet our judges!


1. Where can we find you?
Agrutle on both ff.net and twitter. I also write for a blog dedicated to reviewing books we have read: www.chillreviews.blogspot.com—come check us out!

2.  What might people recognize you for?
People might recognize me from TwificTrivia. I was a part of it for the last two years. 

3. Why did you want to be involved with the contest?
I love Happily Ever Afters. I'm not much for angst.  Not saying that life doesn't have its fair amount of it but in the end I need the HEA. 

4. Your favourite HEA FF and why.
Elemental by Tallulahbella. I just loved the whole magical aspect of that story and how they fought so hard against each other only to fiercely come to love each other. 

5. Your favourite HEA original fiction book/movie? 
Favorite book, recently was My Life Next Door, I would say it had a HEA and movie Ever After A Cinderella story.  Both are favorites.

6. What does Happily Ever After mean to you? 
Love isn't easy, you have to work for it. I think that HEA is when you love someone so much that you are willing to fight for that love. That you go through all the good times as well as the bad. 

Meet the banner maker!

Would you like to know a little more about our contributors? Here's a little more about our amazing prize banner maker.

Betti Gefrecht

Your FFnet name
I'm bettigefecht or Betti Gefecht everywhere.

Fandom-wise, it's probably mostly for my fic Little Green & Easybella, and for banner making through my blog. Further, I'm known for my songwriting and music.

Why did you want to be involved in the HEA Twific Contest?
I love banner making. :P And I think a winning banner in a contest should come as a prize in itself—which is why I pride myself on NEVER making generic banners for contests.

What is your favourite HEA fanfic?

Oddly enough, it's a one-shot called Stay Golden by LolaShoes (pulled), about a dirrrrrty one night stand. Why? Edward's last line: "Mom, I met someone!"

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
A beginning.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

And they all lived Happily Ever After...

*sigh* Don't you just love a happy ending? So do we!

That's why we bring you the Happily Ever After (anonymous) Twific Contest.

It can be any pairing, any 'ward, any 'ella, wolves, vamps, AH, AU, ANYTHING, as long as we get that HEA.

Get creative! We want it all!

Twitter - @TwiHEAcontest