Wednesday 13 February 2013

Meet the Secret Keeper

She's the keeper of all secrets. Ladies (and gentlemen?), introducing...


How can we find you?
TwiSNFan on FFnet (and I hate it, but it's too hard to change now). You can find me under this name on, Twilighted and ADF and SN Twi on Facebook.

What might people recognize you for? 
I'd be highly surprised if I was known for anything. I'm mostly a reader, I try to review when I can and I beta/pre-read for a few people (including our lovely HEA Contest host, MagTwi78).

Why did you want to be involved with the contest? 
My girl MagTwi78 was looking for some help, and when I saw it was a HEA contest I was suited up and ready to assist in any way I could. I love a good HEA, so what better way to encourage more than to be involved.

What is your favourite HEA fanfic?
I have to pick just one? My all time favourite to date is This is not my life. I care so much for the characters, it sucks me in every time I read it and has such a strong, kind, caring Bella. But I can't not mention some of my other favourite fics as well: The Screamers (and anything by the wonderful KiyaRaven), Animate Me (and I'm going to catch up on Abstract Way's other stories when I can), Bella Swan: Kidnapper, Dear Mr Masen, Parachute, Faking it, Just one of the boys, Let's get physical, Words with friends/ Words With Strangers... I could keep going.

What is your favourite HEA original fiction book/movie? 
I'm a chick-flick fan, and I don't know too many of those types of movies that don't end in a HEA. Probably my favourites are While You Were Sleeping, Ever After, Sweet Home Alabama, 50 First Dates ...  ok, ok, I'll stop.

What does Happily Ever After mean to you?
I think it's difficult to define, but I know it when I see it. To me, it usually means two people who are meant to be together end up together, no matter what path they took to get there. Marriage and babies are not absolute musts, but always (ALWAYS!) appreciated.

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